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mario.ngamer/file/char_mario 姓名:玛利奥(Mario/マリオ) 国籍:义大利籍美国人 年龄:约26岁前后 职业:现为水管工 身高:约155cm 特征:大鼻子、卷胡、红色装扮、标记M的帽子 性格:外向、自信家、富正义感 、热血 最爱:用手比V字形、得到碧琪公主的吻 工具:最爱用槌子 配音:Charles Marti mario.ngamer/file/char_luigi 姓名:路易(Luigi/ルイージ) 国籍:义大利籍美国人 年龄:约26岁前后 职业:水管工 特征:绿色装扮、大胡子、标记L的帽子 性格:内向、冷静、低调、不太理会外在事物、讨厌麻烦、有点胆小 兴趣:吃喝玩乐睡 专长:高强的跳跃力 配音:Charles Marti mario.ngamer/file/char_peach 姓名:碧琪(Peach/ピーチ) 国籍:香菇王国 据点:碧琪公主城 职业:公主 性格:温和、文静 特征:金色长发、粉红长裙(运动类则是短裙)、身上多处有饰品 配音:Jen Taylor、Nicole Mills mario.ngamer/file/char_wario 姓名:华利奥(Wario/ワリオ) 地区:厨房之岛(Kitchen Island) 据点:华利奥城(Wario's Castle) 职业:夺宝者、华利奥游戏公司社长 年龄:约26岁前后 特征:粉红大蒜鼻、黄色装扮、标记W(反Mario之意)的帽子、健壮的上肢肌肉与啤酒肚 性格:奸诈、贪婪、爱钱、但本性却不坏 兴趣:大吃大喝、不惜一切手段夺宝 配音:Charles Marti mario.ngamer/file/char_waluigi 姓名:坏路奇(Waluigi/ワルイージ) 地区:坏路奇之岛(Waluigi's Island) 年龄:约26岁前后 特征:长手长脚、标记Γ(反Luigi之意)的帽子、蓝紫色装扮 性格:凶恶、阴险狡猾、但本性却不坏 兴趣:恶作剧 配音:Charles Marti mario.ngamer/file/char_bowser 姓名:库巴(Bowser/クッパ) 国籍:库巴王国 据点:库巴城堡(Bowser's Castle) 职业:大魔王 性格:邪恶、凶暴、坚毅、自尊心强 兴趣:单恋并绑架碧琪公主、向玛琍欧挑战 特征:巨大的身躯、背上的巨刺甲壳 配音:Scott Burns mario.ngamer/file/char_yoshi 姓名:耀西(Yoshi/ヨッシー) 国籍:耀西岛(Yoshi Island) 特征:大鼻子大眼睛、舌头很长、有穿鞋 性格:温和、活泼、富具亲和力 兴趣:吃水果、睡觉 工具:舌头、蛋 配音:Kazumi Totaka(户高一生) mario.ngamer/file/char_dk 姓名:大金刚(Donkey Kong/ドンキーコング) 地区:刚果丛林(Congo's Jungle) 职业:刚果丛林之王的继承者 特征:浑身肌肉、滑稽的脸 性格:正直、思考迟钝、懒惰 兴趣:吃香蕉 配音:Takashi Nagasako(长嶝高士) 不断被库巴绑架的的香菇王国公主,目前已被绑架13次之多(这个数字以后会越来越多),在Super Mario RPG中还被迫和布斯特结婚,最后还是玛利奥救她,但在这款游戏她可是会拿平底锅攻击敌人呢! 但是现在碧琪公主已经彻底摆脱只能被绑架的惨况了!NDS上的超级碧琪公主就是直接由她独挑大梁成为女英雄,去拯救被库巴绑架的玛利奥、路易以及奇诺比奥等人,并带着具有神奇力量的阳伞进行她的大冒险。 他的发色以金色为主,早期可能因为主机缘故而有不同颜色。 至于和玛利奥是不是一对呢?只有她心中最清楚。 根据玛利奥漫画知道她妈妈已经去世,而父亲是为谐趣艺人,而他为什么会在香菇王国当公主,可能连宫本先生都在想...! 希望帮到你 草莽英雄 上
参考: .knowledge.yahoo/question/question?qid=7008020401312
Mario (マリオ
Mario?) is a fictional character in his video game series
created by Japanese video game designer Shigeru Miyamoto. Serving as Nintendo's mascot and the main protagonist of the series
Mario has appeared in over 200 video games since his creation. Though originally only appearing in platform games
starting with Donkey Kong
Mario currently appears in varied video game genres such as racing
and sports.Mario is depicted as a short
Italian-American plumber who lives in the Mushroom Kingdom. He repeatedly stops the turtle-like villain Bowser's numerous pl to kidnap Princess Peach and take over the kingdom. Mario also has other enemies and rivals
including Donkey Kong and Wario. Since 1995
he has been voiced by Charles Marti.[1]As Nintendo's mascot
Mario is said to be the most famous character in video game history.[2] Mario games
as a whole
have sold more than 210 million units
[3] making the Mario series the best-selling video game series of all time. Outside of platform games
he has appeared in video games of other genres
including the Mario Kart racing series
sports games
such as the Mario Tennis and Mario Golf series
role-playing games such as Paper Mario and Super Mario RPG
and educational games
such as Mario is Missing! and Mario's Time Machine. He has inspired television shows
and a line of licensed merchandise.
参考: en. *** /wiki/Mario



Mario出生在马里兰州的巴尔的摩,早在四岁时就想当一名歌手,小时候妈妈给了他一架钢琴和一个卡拉OK机,鼓励他学习音乐,并送他参加一个又一个的才艺比赛。凭借着柔美的歌声与惊人的演唱才华,年仅十五岁的Mario不单是J Records于2002年下半所推出的秘密武器,同时也是传媒眼中继Usher、Michael Jackson、Stevie Wonder等年纪轻轻即出道的前辈之后,音乐生涯最具远景的新生代歌手。