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求micheal jackson最经典的20首歌
求micheal jackson最经典的20首歌

求micheal jackson最经典的20首歌

beat it
billie jean
smooth criminal

black or white
they don't care about us
you are not alone
we are the world
heal the world
earth song

stranger in moscow

man in mirror
I just can‘t stop loving you

remember the time

you rock my world

the way you make me feel

hollywood tonight
best of joy
hold my hand
I'll be there
music and me
on the line
rock with you
breaking news

one day in your life
who is it

fall again
the lady in my life
for all time
暂时只能想到这么多了,希望能帮到你,并成为迈迷大家庭的一员 ^ - ^

micheal jackson的歌,越多越好

micheal jackson的歌,越多越好

1. I'LL BE THERE(注意是迈扣唱的版本,小时候的冠军歌曲。不是玛丽亚凯莉的版本)
2. ben (少年时期的,曾获得奥斯卡提名的歌曲)
3. do't stop 'till get enough(第一次获得格莱美最佳蓝调歌曲)
4. she is out my life (感人的失恋歌曲)
5. rock with you (很多名人喜欢的歌曲--碧昂丝等)
6. the girl is mine (和前披头士成员一起唱的,很可爱的歌!迈写的)
7. thriller (这个就不用解释了~·全球最畅销专辑的同名曲)
8. beat it (这个更不用说了,不可能没人听过)
9. billie jean (一直被认为的和BEAT IT 一样的经典,太空步就是先出来的)
10. PYT (可爱的歌)
11. bad (节奏足够让人激动)
12. the way you make me feel (80年代最佳追女歌曲)
13. smooth criminal (MV和歌一样的酷,向前倾45°就是这里出现的)
15. i just can't stop loving you (情深的对唱歌曲)
16. man in the mirror(让人热泪盈眶的,很有意义的歌)
17. dirty diana (戴安娜王妃喜爱的歌)
18. leave me alone (迈向小报咆哮的歌,获得格莱美的奖项)
19. we are th world (世界级的公益歌曲,有很多版本)
20. dangerous (不会没听过吧```)
21. jam (里面的电子琴演奏很让人激动,MV和迈克尔 乔丹一起拍的)
22. in the closet (迈很难得的性感歌曲,MV和黑人名模Naomi Campbell一起拍的)
23. remember the time (经典啊!无论是歌还是MV!!真的错过了会后悔的)
24. heal the world(仅次于WE ARE THE WORLD,很美的歌)
25. who is it(虽然不是很红,但是一旦听过就不会忘记)
26. will you be there (也是很美的歌)
27. gone too soon(在克林顿总统任典礼上唱的歌)
28. give in to me (第二首性感歌曲,电力十足!)
29. black or white (用欢快的调子表达对种族歧视的反对!好听,MV是史上播放过次数最多的)
30. scream (和同是美国流行巨星的妹妹JANET一起唱的,是史上最贵的MV)
31. they don't care about us (反对种族歧视的歌,调子很有感觉)
32. you are not alone (天哪!神圣的歌!!你可以说不知道绝对没有人没听过)
33. stranger in Moscow(一首孤单的歌)
34. earth song (拥揽各项大奖的为地球呼喊的歌!深受喜爱)
35. history (第四张专辑的同名歌,好听!)
36. blood on the dance floor (这首歌我是很喜欢的!)
37. ghost (史上最唱的MV!)
38. break of dawn (美丽的爱情歌)
39. heaven can wait (也是很美的爱情歌)
40. butterflies (也是很美的爱情歌)
41. speechless (依然很美的爱情歌,不过它很容易让那个人哭,我第一次听就哭了,很多人也一样)
42. the lost children (为没有家的孩子写的歌,认为和39.41.一样美)
43. whatever happens(充满爱的拉丁歌曲,吉他是美国吉他之王弹的)
44. cry (公益歌曲)
45. heart breaker (和the way you make me feel 感觉差不多)
46. break news(新专辑的歌)
47. hollywood tonight (热门歌曲,夺得了最佳舞曲奖)
48. much too soon (纯爱歌曲,美啊···~~)
49. hold my hand (很受喜爱的歌曲,和阿肯一起唱的)
50. keep your head up (鼓舞人心的歌曲。有点earth song的影子)
51. monster (Ft.50 Cent参与说唱部分)
52. behind the mask (我喜欢的歌曲)
53. (i like) the way you love me (美丽的爱情歌!!)
54. best of joy(迈最后写的一首歌,很可爱)
55. one more chance (MV是迈最后一个拍的)
56. fall again (虽然歌没有录完,但是网上有)
57. this is it (迈的音乐电影的同名歌)
58. you are my life (爱情歌)
59. the lady in my life (爱情歌,被传当时是为妻子——猫王之女,写的)
60. childhood (中间掉了,迈的唯一自传歌曲)
61. you rock my world (对不起,我又弄掉了的,中间的歌。MV很棒)
62. soldier boy (网上流传的新歌)




The way she came into the place 她走进来 I knew right then and there 所踩的步伐,那时那刻,即让我发觉 there was something different about this girl 这女孩儿与众不同 The way she moved 她的步调 her hair 她的秀发 her face 她的容颜 her lines 她优雅的线条 Divinity in motion 一举一动似有某种神力 As she stalked the room 她一踏进 I could feel the aura of her presence 我便察觉,她存在的气息 Every head turned feeling passion and lust 人人回首,妄想痴心 The girl was persuasive 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心 the girl I could not trust 她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒 the girl was dangerous 可是危险得很 I never know 我心知肚明 but I was walking in line 但我仍踏上了警戒线 Come go with me “跟我来吧” I said I have no time 我说我没时间 She said :"Don't you pretend we didn't talk on the phone 她说:“我们不是曾通过电话,不要推托再三” My baby cried 闻言,心伤泪下 she left me standing aloneMy baby 转身离去,留我一人呆站其间 She's so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you're no damn good for me 但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 She came at me in sections with the eyes of desire 在街区,她向我走来,欲望烈焰眼中燃烧 I fell trapped into her web of sin 我落入她所织构的罪恶之网 A touch 一下轻抚 a kiss 一次热吻 a whisper of love 一声柔情蜜意的低语 I was at the point of no return 我迈向了不归路 deep in the darkness of passion's insanity 深陷于疯狂痴迷的黑暗之中 I felt taken by lust's strange inhumanity 被某种怪异而非理性的贪婪冲昏了头脑 This girl was persuasive 这女孩儿太会蛊惑人心 this girl I could not trust 她,我是万不能相信 The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous 这女孩儿让人神魂颠倒,可是危险得很 I never knew but I was living in vain 我从未想过,会落到那般境地 She called my house and she know my name 她来到我家中,并声称,她知道我的名字 And don't you pretend you never did me before “不要装做我们不曾在一起” With tears in her eyes 眼中噙泪 my baby walked out the door,My baby 夺门离去 She's so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险 Take away my money 拿走我的钱 throw away my time 浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you're no damn good for me 但你对我一点儿该死的好处也没有 Dangerous 危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩太危险 I have to pray to God 我只得祈祷上苍 'cause I know how lust can blind 因为我知道贪婪是如何地使人心智蒙蔽 It's a passion in my soul 是有种冲动,隐匿于我的灵魂中 But you're no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 I cannot sleep alone tonight 今晚我难以入眠 my baby left me here tonight 留我一人形孤影单 I cannot cope'til it all right 我辗转反侧直到意识逐渐飘远 You and your manipulation 你喜欢别人受你摆布 you hurt my baby 你把我的 baby深深地伤害 And then it happened 就那么发生了 she touched me 她在我身上轻抚 For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb 这陌生的女人,覆上了如蜜的双唇 And her mouth was smoother than oil 比油还滑的嘴里 But her inner spirit and words were sharp as a two-edged sword 吐出的言词,以及她的内在心灵,却锋利得似双刃剑 But I loved it 'cause it's dangerous 但是恰恰因为险象环生,我喜欢 She's so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous 太危险,这女孩实在危险 Take away my money, throw away my time 拿走我的钱,浪费我的时间 You can call me honey 你可以叫我Honey but you're no damn good for me 但你对我是一点儿该死的好处也没有 Dangerous 危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩太危险 I have to pray to God 我只得祈祷上苍 'cause I know how lust can blind 因为我知道贪婪如何使人心智蒙蔽 It's a passion in my soul 灵魂中是有种冲动 But you're no damn lover /friend of mine 但你该死的决不是我的lover更不是我的朋友 She's so dangerous 太危险 the girl is so dangerous 这女孩实在危险



unbreakable 无敌至尊

[Michael Jackson]
Now I'm just wondering why you think 我很纳闷你为什麽那麽有把握
That you can get to me with anything 你能对我予取予求
Seems like you'd know by now, when and how I get down 你似乎到现在才了解
And with all that I've been through, I'm still around 我是怎麽忍气吞声风风雨雨走来,我依然屹立不摇

Don't you ever make no mistake 你都没出过差错吗?
Baby I've got what it takes 宝贝,我可是吃尽苦头
And there's no way you'll ever get to me 你决不可能跟我一样
Why can't you see that you'll never ever hurt me 你为什麽还搞不懂你是伤不了我的
'Cause I won't let it be, I'm too much for you baby 因为我不会让你如愿,宝贝,你根本拿我没辙

Chorus [Michael Jackson]:
You can't believe it, you can't concieve it 你难以相信,你无法想象
And you can't touch me, 'cause I'm untouchable 你动摇不了我,只因我屹立不摇
And I know you hate it, and you can't take it 我知道你怨恨,你也无法接受
You'll never break me, 'cause I'm unbreakable 你永远都伤不了我,只因为我是无敌至尊

[Michael Jackson]
Now you can't stop me even though you think 你再也挡不住我,即使你这样想
That if you block me, you've done your thing 就算你想阻挡我,你的把戏也玩完了
And when you bury me underneath all your pain 当你用伤痛埋葬了我
I'm steady laughin', while surfacing 我泰然自若,力争上游

Don't you ever make no mistake 你都没出过差错吗?
Baby I've got what it takes 宝贝,我可是吃尽苦头
And there's no way you'll ever get to me 你决不可能跟我一样
Why can't you see that you'll never ever hurt me 你是伤不了我的
'Cause I won't let it be, see I'm too much for you baby 因为我不会让你如愿,宝贝,你根本拿我没辙

Chorus (2x)

[Michael Jackson]
You can try to stop me, but it won't do a thing 你可以试着阻挡我,但那也是白搭
No matter what you do, I'm still gonna be here 不管你出什麽招,我依然屹立不摇受
Through all your lies and silly games 够了你的谎言与愚蠢的游戏
I'ma still remain the same, I'm unbreakable 我依然保有本尊,我就是无敌至尊

[Notorious B.I.G.]
Uh, uh, what, uh
I'm a lime to a lemon, my CeCe women
Bringin in ten G minimums to condos with elevators in 'em
Vehicles with televisions in 'em
Watch they entourage turn yours to just mirages
Disappearing acts, strictly nines and macs
Killers be serial, Copperfield material
My dreams is vivid, work hard to live it
Any place I visit, I got land there
How can players stand there and say I sound like them
Push wigs back and push six Coupes that's yellow
Plus clips that expand from hand to elbow
Spray up your Day's Inn, any 'telle you in
Crack braggin sick of braggin how my mink be draggin
Desert ease street sweeper inside the beamer wagon
I rely on Bed-Stuy to shut it down if I die
Put that on my diamond bezel, you're messin with the devil

Chorus (3x w/ Ad Libs by Jackson)

You can't touch me
You can't break me
You can't stand with me
'Cause I'm unbreakable




  dangerous 打印此页
  歌手:jackson michael 专辑:dangerous
  The way she came into the palce
  I knew right then and there
  There was something different
  About this girl
  The way she moved
  Her hair, her face, her lines
  Divinity in motion
  As she stalked the room
  I could feel the aura
  Of her presence
  Every head turned
  Feeling passion and lust
  The girl was persuasive
  The girl I could not trust
  The girl was bad
  The girl was dangerous
  I never knew but I was
  Walking the line
  Come go with me
  I said I have no time
  She said don't you pretend we didn't
  Talk on the phone
  My baby cried
  And left me standing alone
  She's so dangerous
  The girl is dangerous
  Take away my money
  Throw away my time
  You can call me honey
  But you're no damn good for me
  She came at me in sections
  Jackson Michael
  With the eyes of desire
  I fell trapped into her
  Web of sin
  A touch, a kiss
  A whisper of lvoe
  I was at the point
  Of no return
  Deep in the darkness of
  Passion's insanity
  I felt taken by lust's
  Strange inhumanity
  This girl was persuasive
  This girl I could not trust
  The girl was bad
  The girl was dangerous
  I never knew
  But I was living in vain
  She called my house
  And said you know my name
  And don't you pretend
  You never did me before
  With tears in her eyes
  My baby walked out the door
  She's so dangerous
  The girl is so dangerous
  Take away my money
  Throw away my time
  You can call me honey
  But you're no damn good for me
  The girl is so dangerous
  I have to pray to God
  'Cause I know how
  Lust can blind
  It's a passion in my soul
  But you're no damn lover
  Friend of mine
  And then it happened
  She touched me
  For the lips of
  A strange woman
  Drop as a honeycomb
  And her mouth was
  Smoother than oil
  But her inner spirit and words
  Were as sharp as
  A two-edged sword
  But I loved it
  'Cause it's dangerous
  I cannot sleep alone tonight
  My baby left me here tonight
  I cannot cope 'til it's all right
  You and your manipulation
  You hurt my baby
  She's so dsngerous
  The girl is so dangerous
  Take away my money
  Throw away my time
  You can call me honey
  but you're no damn good for me
  The girl is so dangerous
  Take away my money
  Throw away my time
  You can call me honey
  But you're no damn good for me
  The girl is so dangerous
  I have to pray to God
  Cause I know how
  Lust can blind
  It's a passion in my soul
  But you're no damn lover
  Friend of mine
  (Ad libs out)

  [ti:dangerous ]
  [ar:kardinal offishall ft. akon sean paul]

  [00:-7.52]kardinal offishall ft. akon sean paul - dangerous (remix)
  [00:-5.52](lyrics by wenxuan001@maxrnb)
  [00:-0.52]maximal r b - the freshest hottest r b hip-hop music!

  intro: kardinal offishall
  re-mix! kardinal! sean paul! akon! re-mix!
  kardinal! sean-a-paul! akon! re-mix!

  chorus: akon (sean paul)
  girl i can't notice but to
  notice you, noticin me
  from across the room, i can see it
  and can't stop myself from lookin and
  noticin you, noticin me
  watch out i've seen her type before
  that girl is so dangerous, that girl is so dangerous
  that girl is a bad girl!! i've seen her type before
  she's so dangerous, that girl is so dangerous
  that girl is a bad girl!! yeahh (yo yo yo yo! refix the remix!)

  verse 1: kardinal offishall
  dangerous! that's her song
  hips like beyonce looks like solange
  body like serena fit like venus
  everyone i know i'm tryin to give them the (ay! ay!)
  bad like she bad with money like oprah
  she wine to the reggae, bubble to soca
  cool like taraji sweet like nicole
  scherzinger like sharwhen she comin from the cold
  tall like keri and sing like estelle
  legs like amerie and she don't tell
  when she kiss, a down ass chick like lil' kim
  she ready for the camera kim kardashian
  curves like melissa, tough like michelle (obama!)
  all day the queen like mary j.(ay!)
  good like keyshia, young like ri ri
  sayin ain't that kardinal on the tv, you see me!
  remix, kardinal, akon, sean paul
  take our ting right straight to di wall
  dig it out tun it out now everybody shout one two!

  chorus: akon (sean paul)
  girl i can't notice but to
  notice you, noticin me
  from across the room, i can see it
  and can't stop myself from lookin and
  noticin you, noticin me
  watch out i've seen her type before
  that girl is so dangerous, that girl is so dangerous
  that girl is a bad girl! i've seen her type before
  she's so dangerous, that girl is so dangerous
  that girl is a bad girl! yeahh(sean-a-paul, akon, kardinal weh we tell dem!)

  verse 2: sean paul (kardinal offishall)
  inna mi ride mi a di king wid di crown just cruisin along
  hot girls dem deh pon di street (whole heap!)
  gal a mash up man brain and a mash up man mind
  dem a girls mek mi feel complete
  some a park or step to di club all a tinkin a car dem a stand up and a pree
  this woman deh a eyes up di dutty and a gwaan like she waan come gimme di heat
  all few a dem pack up and now mi waan it har man just stand up and guardin on it
  she's dangerous so don't tek fah granted
  har appetite for sex she waan mi plant it
  blatantly she waan fi flaunt it
  showin mi how much she waan mi on it
  waan mi con it she waan mi stamp it
  wid di lethal weapon dat she waan mi slam it
  mi wink and mi read fi palm it
  she wink back and she waan mi bomb it



Dangerous 危险
The way she came into the place,I knew right then and there
there was something different about this girl
The way she moved, her hair, her face, her lines
Divinity in motion
As she stalked the room, I could feel the aura of her presence
Every head turned feeling passion and lust
The girl was persuasive, the girl I could not trust
The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous
I never know but I was walking in line
"Come go with me", I said I have no time
She said ,"Don't you pretend we didn't talk on the phone"
My baby cried, she left me standing alone
My baby 闻言,心伤泪下,转身离去,留我一人呆站其间。

She's so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous
Take away my money, throw away my time
You can call me honey but you're no damn good for me

She came at me in sections with the eyes of desire
I fell trapped into her web of sin
A touch, a kiss, a whisper of love,
I was at the point of no return, deep in the darkness of passion's insanity
I felt taken by lust's strange inhumanity
This girl was persuasive, this girl I could not trust
The girl was bad, the girl was dangerous

I never knew but I was living in vain
She called my house and she know my name
"And don't you pretend you never did me before"
With tears in her eyes, my baby walked out the door
眼中噙泪,My baby夺门离去

She's so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous
Take away my money, throw away my time
You can call me honey but you're no damn good for me

Dangerous, the girl is so dangerous
I have to pray to God, 'cause I know how lust can blind
It's a passion in my soul
But you're no damn lover /friend of mine

I cannot sleep alone tonight, my baby left me here tonight
今晚我难以入眠,my baby 留我一人形孤影单
I cannot cope'til it all right
You and your manipulation, you hurt my baby
你喜欢别人受你摆布,你把我的 baby深深地伤害

And then it happened, she touched me
For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb
And her mouth was smoother than oil, But her inner spirit and words were sharp as a two-edged sword
But I loved it 'cause it's dangerous

She's so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous
Take away my money, throw away my time
You can call me honey but you're no damn good for me

Dangerous, the girl is so dangerous
I have to pray to God, 'cause I know how lust can blind
It's a passion in my soul
But you're no damn lover /friend of mine
She's so dangerous, the girl is so dangerous