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第一场布景:灰姑娘家 旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Cinderella, her mother was dead, and her father loved her very much. 父亲: Dear daughter! These presents are for your birthday! Do you like them? 灰姑娘: Yeah, thank you, Dad.(开心地接过) 父亲: My lovely daughter, I hope you can be happy forever! 旁白:But one day, her father married a new wife and died unfortunately. Look, her stepmother and her new sisters are COMING. 后妈: Helen, Jenny, look, how beautiful the house is! (四周看了看,开始乱翻东西,拿起些东西来看) 后妈女儿(1): Yes, and so many fruits.(一个个用手指点) Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychees. Wow, I like them. (吃水果) 后妈女儿(2):(打开衣柜,翻翻看看) Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress. (往身上穿) 灰姑娘:Oh, no, please, that’s my dress. This new dress is bought by my father(跑过去,想把那条裙子拿过来). 后妈女儿(2): Who are YOU? (把那条裙子藏到一边,厌恶地把灰姑娘的肩膀推了推)Mum, who is she?(退了几步,回头看后妈,用手指指了指灰姑娘) 后妈: She is your little sister. But it doesn't matter. Now! Cinderella, go, clean the room and then cook for us. RIGHT NOW! 灰姑娘: Why? I'm not your servant.(插着腰,皱着眉很生气的样子) 后妈: Yeah.(点头). But from NOW ON you are our servant.(很凶的样子) 后妈女儿(1): Mum, I like this dress. (拽灰姑娘的衣服) 后妈女儿(2):I like her necklace. (抢走她的项链戴在脖子上) 灰姑娘:Oh, no, PLEASE!!! (哭喊)
旁白:After that, Cinderella had to been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night.(Cinderella在洗衣服,扫地,干别的家务活) She had no room to live and she have to sleep in sofa(睡在沙发上); she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. She was more and more dirty. 第二场布景:灰姑娘家 (士兵在门外敲门) 后妈: Who is it? 士兵: I'm the soldier of the palace. (后妈打开门)Good morning, madam, this letter is from the palace, for you and other girls in this house. Good-bye, madam! 后妈: What is it? (打开信看——欢呼,向后妈女儿(1)(2)招手)Helen, Jenny, good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace. Prince Edward will select a queen among the young girls in this kingdom. 后妈女儿(1): Hooray! I'll be the queen! 后妈女儿(2): Hey, I will be the queen, not YOU!!
后妈: Okay, girls. You must put on your most beautiful dress and make up immediately! 灰姑娘: (小心地走出来问道)Mum, I want to go to the party, too. 两个后妈女儿: You? Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly. (大笑起来) 灰姑娘(看着在镜子前整理衣服化妆的后妈):Mum,please, can I… 后妈: Girls, are you ready? Let's go. Cinderella, you are so dirty and ugly that you haven’t any excuse to go. And you must do your housework FIRST! Good night!! (后妈和她的女儿很骄傲地走出门外,灰姑娘很伤心地坐到地上哭了。这时,猫、鸽子和狗来了) 灰姑娘: (猛然发现)Oh, my friends. I really want to go. What shall I do? 猫,鸽子,狗: Don't be so sad, Cinderella. At least, we are with you. If we can help you, we will do our best! 灰姑娘:Oh,my friend,thank you very much. But I haven’t any beautiful dresses now! What can I do? WHO can help me? 仙女:(突然跳着舞出现) Poor girl, let ME help you. You need a carriage, you need a coachman, you need some horses, you need a bellboy, and you need a beautiful dress.(挥动魔杖,用南瓜变成马车,用老马变成马车夫,用老鼠变成马,用狗变成侍者,把灰姑娘变得很漂亮) 猫、鸽子和变成侍者的狗:(睁大眼睛,看着灰姑娘)Wow, how beautiful! 猫: You're the most beautiful girl I've EVER seen. 狗: Yes! You will be the most beautiful girl in the party! (拉拉灰姑娘的手) 鸽子: Yes! You will be the most beautiful lady in this party! And Prince Edward will love you at once! (欢快地飞来飞去) 仙女: Now, Cinderella, go to the party and dance with the prince. But remember you must come back before 12 o'clock. REMEMBER, 12 o’ clock! Or you will change back into now. 灰姑娘: Thank you, kind fairy. (冲出门外) 仙女: (对灰姑娘喊)Be careful! Don't forget the time! 灰姑娘: I won't forget. (跳上马车)Good bye, kind fairy and my dear friends!! (挥动手帕,消失在暮色中) 第三场布景:皇宫中
大臣(1): Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the prince-dancing ball. This night, our worshipful Prince Edward(这时,王子走了出来,向所有来宾鞠躬)will select the most beautiful and kindest girl to be his queen .Now, young girls, come to the front, please! (女孩子们走上前) 大臣(2):(将头转向王子)Highness,how are they? Which one do you like? 王子: (皱起眉头)Mmm…I don’t think they are… (Cinderella suddenly comes in) 大臣们: (惊叹)Wow! How beautiful THAT girl is! (众来宾惊恐地回过头) 旁白:She's like a fairy. She's like an Angel. She's so lovely. She's like a princess. How pretty Cinderella is! 王子:(走上前,鞠躬) Pretty lady, may I be honored to dance with you? 灰姑娘: I'd love to.(握住王子的手,开始跳舞) (Music and dance) 旁白:Beautiful Cinderella and handsome Prince Edward are dancing. They fall in love.
(12点的钟声猛然敲响了,敲了6下) 灰姑娘: Oh, it's time to go back. I must go now. I am sorry that I cannot dance with you any more, sir! 王子: Wait, miss, please wait! (追上去) 灰姑娘:(急忙地跑,掉了一只鞋)Good bye, sir! 王子: (拿起鞋)Pretty lady! Why are you leaving? I must find you!! Soldiers!! 士兵们: Yes!! 王子: Take this shoe to every house and let all the young girls have a try tomorrow morning. You must find the girl for me. FAST! 士兵们: Yes, highness! 第四场布景:灰姑娘家的花园中
灰姑娘:(失去了魔法的帮助,变回了原样)Oh…He was gentle, he was handsome, oh! I cannot forget him… I love him! But I hadn’t found Prince Edward and danced with him yet…
鸽子: Cinderella, don’t you know? The man who danced with you was PRINCE EDWARD!! (猫和变回原样的狗点头附和)
灰姑娘:REALLY?? My goodness!! (捂住嘴巴,不敢相信的样子) Oops, I am sorry…I haven’t done the housework! Mum, Helen and Jenny will back soon! They will be angry! See you soon, buddies! (哼着小曲跳走了) 第五场布景:灰姑娘家
(士兵敲门) 士兵(3):Good morning, madam.
后妈: Good morning. What’s the matter, sir? 士兵: Are there any young girls in this house, madam? 士兵(2): The pretty lady lost her shoe in the palace. 士兵(3): The prince wanted to find her and marry her. 后妈:(笑着说)Of course, sir, wait a minute!(往身后招招手,让女儿(1)过来)
后妈女儿(1): (急急忙忙跑上前)Let me try. The shoe is mine.(说着把脚伸进鞋子) 士兵: No, It's not yours. It's too small for you.(把鞋子拿开) 后妈女儿(2): (跳着大喊)It's mine. I AM the queen. Let me try it.(说着把脚伸进鞋子) 士兵(2): No, it's not yours; it's too big for you.(再次把鞋子拿开) 后妈: Hey, sir, maybe it's mine. Let me have a try. (急忙想要去穿鞋子) 士兵(3):(马上把鞋子拿走)Oh, please, it couldn't be YOURS. Are there any other girls in this house? 灰姑娘: Good morning, gentlemen, may I try it? (款款走来) 后妈 :You? That’s impossible! (大喊着,做出“快滚”的手势) 后妈女儿(1): Look at yourself, PLEASE! (讥笑) 后妈女儿(2): So dirty and so ugly! Please not to waste the solders’ time! (讽刺) 士兵: Oh, ladies, let her try! Prince Edward said that all the young girls should have a try. Here, young girl, try it on, please! (送上鞋) 灰姑娘:(轻轻把脚伸进去)Thank you! (试鞋,正好合适) 后妈和两个女儿:It couldn’t be Cinderella! It couldn’t be!! Maybe there’s something wrong, sir! (疯了一样大叫)
士兵们: Wonderful! It's yours! It fits for you very well! Pretty queen CINDERELLA!! (欢呼雀跃,接走灰姑娘) 第六场布景:皇宫中 士兵: Highness! We have found the beautiful girl. 王子: Really? That's wonderful! I'll come at once. 仙女: My child, happy time is coming. Let me help you the last time. (顷刻间将灰姑娘变美丽) 王子: Oh, my dearest princess, I love you, go with me and be my queen, OK? 灰姑娘:(什么也没说,点点头,拥抱王子,两人跑回宫中) 猫、鸽子和狗: Happy forever, Cinderella! We wish you HAPPY FOREVER!!
后妈和后妈女儿们: How did it happen? It is not true!! (昏倒) 旁白:The story finished. Cinderella found her happiness. She and Prince Edward got married! And that brings us to the end of the play. Thank you and let us wish Cinderella and Edward happy forever!



小品名:昨天、今天、明天 布景:一张讲桌,三套桌椅 人物:教师 学生杨二丫 学生李代娣 学生陈妮 陈唱:咱老百姓,今儿真高兴……(上场到座位) 李唱:太阳当空照,花儿对笑…… 杨说:昨夜西风凋碧树,刚下层楼,放眼不见求学路。 当……(谁呀?)张惠妹 杨:哎,特大新闻,特大新闻!班任又被咱气跑了,咱班又换新班任了!听说姓候。 陈;这好,刚气走了一只“羊”,又来个“猴”。 李:管他什么猴呢?就是孙悟空来了,也得把它气回花果山去。 杨:好!咬牙切齿不放松,立根就在乱班中。千说万劝主意正,管保谁来谁气蒙。耶! 老师;:进教室“上课!” 陈:起,起立。 老师:同学们好,请坐。首先自我介绍一下,我是你们新班主任,我姓候。 学生合:“猴”?(哈……嘿……) 老师:安静,下面请同学们自我介绍一下。 杨:老师她叫陈妮,她叫李代娣。 陈,李:她叫杨二丫。 老师;:难道同学们不知道自己是谁吗?要别人来介绍。好了,下面我公布一下月考成绩吧?杨二丫76、李代娣67、陈妮49。 陈:啊!今晚又该竹板炒肉丝了。 杨、李:此话怎讲? 陈:你们有所不知?每次考完试回到家,80分以下是女子单打,70分以下是男子单打,60分以下是男女混合双打。这回我死定了。 老师:不要议论了,认真分析一下自己没考好的原因。给我写出书面反思,感悟一定要深刻。 老师:好了,把反思读给大家听吧? 李:春花秋月知多少,考试何时了。今朝又把试卷发,成绩不堪回首书包中。上次余悸今犹在,只是科目改。问君何时能出头?恰似一江春水向东流。 陈唱:谁在乎,我的心里有多苦,谁在意,我的明天去何处,成绩差,挨过多少白眼,多少皮肉苦。其实我心里比谁都痛楚。 杨:高分几时有,无语问青天,不知明天上学府,考试严不严?我欲发奋图强,三更闻鸡叫,五更挑灯看,只可惜,生愚钝,智不全。又叹书山题海,也应有恨,谁说我意志不坚,月有阴晴圆缺,生有成绩优劣,难于上青天。此事古难全,但愿努力后,名在孙山前。 老师:我还没发牢骚,你们倒发开牢骚了。哎! 唱:我不知道,为什么这样?学生不是我想象,就是找不到教育的方向,更别说满怀希望。站在教室里,泪水在心里,不知该往哪里去? 学生:挤眉弄眼看笑话。 下课铃声…… 学生:首战告捷,耶!回家喽! 老师:夜深人静的时候,是心烦的时候,心烦的时候不睡觉,学生个个涌上我心头。(说:)不行!这帮小家伙好像和我故意作对,看来,光眼里是不行啦,哎!对了,现在新课程改革,要优化师生关系,嗯!就这么办。 杨:哎,谁把地打扫得这么干净?好有新桌罩,呦,还有椅垫哪? 老师;:上课了,今天我们学习平行四边形面积的计算。请大家看,我手里拿的是两个完全一样的梯形,现在我把谈们拼在一起,你看到了什么? 学生:交头接耳,搞小动作。 老市唱:对面的同学看过来,看过来,我这里讲得很精彩。你们先注意看一看。 学生:我左看,右看,上看,下看,怎么也看不明白,来来来来…… 老师:哎!没办法了?今天就上到这里吧? 陈:不好了,不好了,李代娣和张家根打起来了。头都打破了。快看看吧?和:走 老师:门口迎上,你们都别去,在教室里安心学习,这事交给我。 陈:这回李代娣可惨了,他家那么穷,那什么当医疗费呀? 杨:老师会不会开除他?会不会告诉她妈妈呀?她妈妈可有病呀。 陈:没准,这老师挺凶的。 和:我们还是为他祈祷吧? 陈唱:我祈祷,李代娣平安回来,虽然受伤,但回来就好。 杨唱:我祈祷,老师能网开一面,千万不要开除拉倒。 李:灰溜溜走进教室,头上缠纱布。 老师:面容平静,好了没事了,我去取作业本,准备上课。 扬、陈:哎,怎么样? 李:别提了,老师到了医院,二话没说,就跑前跑后帮我找大夫,交医疗费,一句埋怨的话都没说。看到我头上流血,老师哭得像泪人儿,咱们这样对他也太不仗义了?老师对咱们可是杠杠的。 学生:我们都错怪她了。 老师:上课! 学生:老师好! 老师:愣神 李唱:老师对不起,不是不爱你,真的不愿意,又让你伤心。 学生唱:老师对不起,不是为难你,真的不愿意,又让你生气。 老师唱:没关系呀,真的没关系,至少你们已经认了错,不必伤心地自我折磨,更不需要太多的承诺,只要你们努力学习,对于我来讲已经足够,人的一生有许多回忆。合:想到你们我会很甜蜜。 老师:今天我们学一首小诗《爱的诗篇》 老师:爱是山泉 杨:滋润了多少干涸的心田 老师:爱是雨露 李:孕育了多少幸福的家园 老师:爱是春风 陈:驱去了冬的严寒 老师:爱是灯塔 杨:让心与心的距离不再遥远 老师:捧出你的心 学生:捧出我的心 老师:用我们的心 学生:用我们的爱 合:去献给:昨天、今天、明天