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垃圾可以翻译为: rubbish 垃圾,废弃物;毫无价值的东西,劣质产品;废话,瞎说;严厉批评,把……说得一无是处;很差劲的,无用的; waste 浪费,滥用;废物,废弃物(同 wastes);荒地,荒原(wastes);(尤指因租借人的行为或疏忽而导致的)不动产的损坏,产业损伤;粪便,尿液;浪费,滥用;未能充分利用,没有物尽其用;杀害,谋杀(某人);(使)(人,身体部位)逐渐变虚弱,变消瘦;破坏,毁坏(地方);(时间)流逝,被花掉;(通常指城市中的某地)荒芜的,荒废的;(材料、物质等)废弃的,无用的; garbage 垃圾,废物;垃圾箱;废话,无聊的东西;无用信息;【名】 (Garbage)(法)加尔巴热



  汉语介绍:又名废物箱或垃圾箱,就是装放垃圾的地方。垃圾桶多数以金属或塑胶制,用时放入塑料袋,当垃圾一多便可扎起袋丢掉。   垃圾桶:   释义:   garbage can   trash can   garbage bin   wastebin   ashcan   ash-bin   ash cart   ash bin   skip   英语例句:   人们倒垃圾桶时把垃圾桶弄得当当乱响。   The dustbins clashed as the men emptied them.   他捡起香蕉皮放到了垃圾桶里。   He picked up the banana skin and put it in the dustbin.   妈妈将厨馀丢进垃圾桶里。 垃圾桶   Mom dumped the leftovers into the trash can.   我觉得你长得像垃圾桶。   I think you look like a brash bin.   把垃圾放在垃圾桶里并不难。   It is not hard to put trash in a trash can.   你可以把垃圾放入垃圾桶里。   You could put the rubbish in the garbage bin.   我们想要市政府在每个角落放置垃圾桶。   We want the city to put trash containers at each corner.   有一条狗正在垃圾桶里嗅东西。   A dog was nosing at one of the cans.   你可以把垃圾放入垃圾桶里。-------[光年网原创   You can put the dust in the garbage can.   相关阅读:垃圾桶的最全英文翻译   Trash can (trash bin): 美国,澳洲常用表达方式。泛指家庭所用的垃圾桶。我想我有必要来诠释这个词。前年在一个展会上有个澳洲的美女问我“where is trash?” 那一刹那我没反应过来愣了一下,她拿了个空瓶子晃了下我才算懂她的意思,她是找垃圾桶。自那之后我明白不仅仅我们中国人会引申义,老外也会,trash原意虽然是废品,垃圾,也可以引申为垃圾桶的意思。   *Garbage can (bin): 美国常用表达垃圾桶的词语,泛指家用垃圾桶。 与此相关的 garbage truck(垃圾车),美语,指的是专门用来收集垃圾桶里垃圾的机动车辆,俗称垃圾车。我想84年以前的朋友们都有幸见过,也还有些残存的记忆,曾几何时垃圾车在我们国内也是相当普遍。   *Dustbin:英式叫法,泛指家用垃圾桶。与此相关的衍生词 dust-cart (垃圾车),英式英语。英国对垃圾车的叫法。   *Rubbish bin: 英(澳)式俚语,译为垃圾桶、果皮箱。80年代的学生应该深有体会,那时候英语教材是澳洲人编定的,所以里面把垃圾的英文单词定位为rubbish, 而垃圾这个词在中文中有个贬义用来形容某人很差劲,于是乎我们一天骂人就rubbish, rubbish 的,显得自己很洋气,让我感叹的是还真让我们蒙对了,英语中也有这层意思,忍不住感叹一句:我们的悟性真高啊。据我了解现在英语教材已经改版,由美国人编制,充斥了美国英语的味道,其中垃圾这个词已经改为 trash,文化差异可见一斑。   *Waste-bin, waste-basket:中文作废物箱,废纸篓,美语常用说法。   *Waste-paper basket:废纸篓,英式英语。   *Refuse bin:垃圾箱。也有人喜欢用这个词来表达。   *Dumpster:垃圾箱。指比较大型的垃圾收集箱,在国外很普遍。类似于小型的火车箱,摆放在某一个街道,或者住宅区,用来收集附近居民的生活垃圾。



  你知道倒垃圾的英语单词怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧。   倒垃圾的英语释义:   vi. dump   misc. take out the trash ;   take out the garbage   倒垃圾的英语例句:   此处不准倒垃圾。   No dumping allowed. or No dumping here.   常有人从墙外向我们这边倒垃圾。   People e and dump wastes over our wall.   随着他们的垃圾越堆越高,他们需要一个倒垃圾的地方。   As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it.   她们会让自己的突击队员丈夫倒垃圾、洗碗和换尿布——不论他们在战场上取得了多么骄人的战绩。   They still make their spouses take out the garbage, do the dishes and changediapers -- no matter how impressive their acplishments in the field of battle is.   所以,下次你路过邮筒或倒垃圾的时候,试着看看是否能发现跟你同龄可以做朋友的人。   So, next time you swing by the mailbox or take out the trash, try to see if you spotanyone your age that could be a potential friend.   比如,修建草坪;倒垃圾并回收,坚持做一个月。   Take out the garbage and recycling for a month.   根据调查结果,男性做得最多的家务活是倒垃圾,其中85%的人承担这一任务。   The task most men said they did was taking out the rubbish – with 85 per cent claiming credit.   有些人径直往河里倒垃圾。   Some people just dump their rubbish in the river.   女人做什么事之前都会化妆———购物、给植物浇水、倒垃圾、接电话、读书、收邮件……??   A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants,emptythe garbage,answer the phone, read a book, or get themail.   “这种‘长途倒垃圾’的方法确实有用,”联合国环境规划署负责人阿希姆·施泰纳无奈地表示。   "This is effectively long-distance dumping, " said Achim Steiner, head of theUnited Nations Environment Programme.   在最近的一个下午班上,雷贝特先生及其搭挡开着他们的雪铁龙汽车,刚刚开始在街道上巡逻。这时,他们发现了当天的第一个违规行为:非法乱倒垃圾。   On their recent afternoon shift, Mr. Rebete and his partner had just begunpatrolling the streets in their pact Citroen car when they spotted the firstoffense of the day: illegal trash dumping.   输的人罚倒垃圾一个月。   Loser has to take out the trash for a month.   身为波哥大市长,他又扮演教育家角色,敦促市民不要闯红灯、不要乱倒垃圾、不要殴打妻子,有时他还身着超人行头,扮演“超人市民”只为向市民宣传此类资讯。   As mayor, he was chief pedagogue, urging bogotanos not to run red lights, dumplitter or beat their wives, sometimes dressing up as “Super Citizen” in spandex to get the message across.   买东西,浇花,倒垃圾,接电话,读书和取信的时候,女人都会穿礼服。   A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the garbage,answer the phone, read a book, and get the mail.   买东西,浇花,倒垃圾,接电话,读书和取信的时候,女人都会打扮。   A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the garbage,answer the phone, read a book, and get the mail.   注意任何外表、生理、情绪上的变化。与孩子进行一些有意义的互动,我的意思可不是让你大大咧咧地问“你出去倒垃圾了吗”?   Notice any changes in appearance, hygiene, mood, etc. Interact meaningfully withyour teen daily, and by that I don't mean asking, "Did you take out the garbage?"   女人会只因为逛街,浇花,倒垃圾,接电话,看书,取信而盛装打扮。   A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the trash, answerthe phone, read a book, and get the mail.   她仍旧给希拉里分派日常家务活儿,比如倒垃圾和铺床。   She still gives Hilary weekly chores24, like taking out the garbage and making herbed25.   而 dump 的原意指“倾倒垃圾”,用在这里则表示像倒垃圾一样地甩掉。 7.我们要把祖国建设成为社会主义的现代 化强国。   We will build our motherland into a modern powerful socialist country.   第二天,塔拉正巧遇到了出门倒垃圾的威尔。   The next day, Tara runs into Will taking out some garbage.   他被任命为保护英格兰农村活动的主席。并希望增加对乱倒垃圾行为,和乱丢垃圾者的罚款。   He has been appointed the president of the Campaign to Protect Rural Englandand wants to increase fines for fly-tipping and people who drop litter.   无论是要求倒垃圾,还是想度过一个浪漫的周末,如果是在工作天结束之后的提出,这些要求都更顺利现实。   Anything from taking out the rubbish to a romantic weekend away is likely to be looked on more favourably if broached at the end of the working day.   无论是要求倒垃圾,还是想度过一个浪漫的周末,如果是在工作天结束之后的提出,这些要求都更顺利现实。   Anything from taking out the rubbish to a romantic weekend away is likely to be looked on more favourably if broached at the end of the working day.